Studio Meala is always kept busy with a mix of service projects, original animation projects and IP. Have a look at some of our latest works below!
What Our Collaborators
Have to Say
"Studio Meala has been a joy to collaborate with. Their level of quality, communication and reliance has been exceptional.
Furthermore, Meala's openness to share their knowledge has helped our studio staff learn and grow in wonderful unexpected ways.
To know that Meala has a strong focus on maintaining employee wellbeing, and fair pay is a moral standard we are proud to associate with. I'd highly recommend these friendly folks, and look forward to working with their team again!"
Katie WymanHead of Animation Development WhyNow Studio (London, UK) 
We'd had emails back and forth with Studio Meala to sort the business practicalities, but a single face to face kick off meeting to decide the creative course of the intro movie for Murder by Numbers immediately reassured us that we'd made the right decision in partnering with them.
Options were explored, points of reference discussed, rough sketches and storyboards came together incredibly quick and it was clear they were immediately on the same wave length with the skills to match.
Right out the gate, it was obvious they were incredibly receptive to our vision and fully willing to take it and run with it, entirely thematically on point and with huge skill and panache in terms of visual execution.
Very little feedback and iteration was needed throughout the course of the project, but any items that were raised Studio Meala were incredibly receptive and attentive to. They were clearly willing to go above and beyond to deliver an excellent intro animation for our game.
The results definitely speak for themselves quality wise and remain a delight to watch - the journey to get there was smooth and professional. Studio Meala were a joy to work with, and I hope future games offer up a chance to work with them again.
Luke BorrettProducer 